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Customizing the Application Process 📂 (Workflow)

Tailoring the Application Process to Your Organization 📂 (Workflow)

Important: This feature is available to admins only.

This article discusses how you can customize the application process in the web app to suit your organization.

As an admin, go to the settings and select the Workflow page. The list of stages in your application process describes the various phases an application can go through after being received. There is a default setting, but this process can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. This workflow will then be reflected across the whole organization in the application overview and during the stage selection for each application.

Workflow Settings

Creating a New Stage

A new stage can be created by clicking the plus sign in the upper right corner of each category. The following must be defined:
Name: Each stage needs a unique name — meaning there should only be one of its kind.
Retention: For each stage, it can be defined how long the application data should be retained after the last activity.

Create New Stage

Modifying & Deleting Existing Stages

Changing Order

The order of stages can be changed easily within a category by drag-and-drop.

Change Order per Group by Drag-and-Drop


Existing stages can be easily modified in just a few clicks to change the name or retention settings.

Edit or Delete Stage


Stages can also be deleted. However, caution! Deletion is only possible if no applications are currently assigned to that stage. Therefore, before a stage can be deleted, it must be ensured that all applications have been removed from that stage.

Application Process After Customization

After the workflow has been customized for your organization, it is mirrored for all users in the application overview and during the stage selection for each application.

Application Overview with Customized Workflow

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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